
Categories: Free, Lead, Pro

About Course

This module will introduce users to the Walking Talking – method and platform that includes academy and the app. You will learn what to expect, which tools are at your disposal and other practical information going forward on your journey with Walking Talking.

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Course Content

01. Introduction – Onboarding
This module will introduce users to the Walking Talking-method and platform that includes academy and the app. You will learn what to expect going forward and which tools are at your disposal.

  • 1.1 Welcome!
  • 1.2 The Walking Talking – method

02. Walking Talking – academy
This topic will introduce the user to the Walking Talking - academy, practical information how to use the website and FAQ.

03. Walking Talking – app
This topic will introduce the user to the Walking Talking - app, what it is, how it works and how to utilise it as a tool in your progress.

04. Getting started

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